Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The concepts of motivation and learning become a crucial part

Through the study of Psychology we find that the concepts of motivation and learning become a crucial part of our development and growth.   A continual cycle of need and fulfillment, it is that which compels us, as individuals, to seek out goals and the means by which we achieve those goals.   Motivation and learning does not end in the abstract but accompanies us throughout the complexities of real life experiences.   In settings like that of the classroom or workplace we may be exposed to an array of new opportunities.To further our need for growth we may explore the resources of undertaking a second language or learn the latest product information in order to market a new wireless communication service plan.   Does this mean we will automatically accept such ventures merely because they exist or do we remain solely within the boundaries of satisfying our needs?   Throughout the following we will examine those experiences and discuss various theories as they relate to the concepts of motivation, learning and the connection thereof.Motivation is by all means an awakening of our individual needs and desires.   Though its concept may be construed as vague, it is our needs that drive us to act and react through both internal and external stimuli.   Food, money, status and love can be determining factors in human motivation.   As such, ones motivation is relatively a manifestation of our experience and environment. (â€Å"Managerial Psychology†, 1989, pp. 22-35)Clinician A.H. Maslow (1954) believed such needs should be classified in terms of a hierarchy system defining different levels of needs.   As each need evolves and satisfaction is obtained a higher need will inevitably develop. Suffice to say, the concept of motivation must first occur before action or direction can be achieved.   By applying theory to real world instances, we can more readily understand the guiding forces that stir our motivations.We begin by examining the need a nd drives of individuals within a classroom setting.   What as students incites us to seek higher learning of that which was previously unknown?   Take for example, a student who undertakes second language learning.   Though at times such coursework may be required, more often than none it is the student who initiates the process and at the very least retains control over which language they choose to learn.The need can be induced by nothing more than the need to fulfill ones own goals and potential.   Maslow’s (1954) Self-Actualization Theory details how an individuals unique potential entices them to further develop their own capabilities.   (Buck, 1988, pp. 32-34)   A student may seek the knowledge gained by second language learning simply because the mastery of their primary language has been so great that they are confident in their abilities to achieve a far more superior challenge.The need for belonging may also play a key role in our motivations to set goa ls of second language learning.   Maslow (1954) concluded the absence of friends or family can guide how strongly our need for group placement overtakes our actions.   This type of motivation can become the single most important part of our life. (â€Å"Managerial Psychology†, 1989, p. 27)Individuals who find themselves, for whatever reason, residing in foreign locations may often incur problems with communication and development of new friendships because they are unfamiliar with the existing language.   For this reason, many who immigrate, work diligently to comprehend the language as determined by the inhabitants of their new geographic location and the need to fit within that group.Just as we find within the classroom, the workplace can also delegate various stimuli that prod our motivations.   Let us say that our employer offers us the opportunity to learn essential features of a new wireless communication service plan.   What influences our decision to accept the offer?   One theory states that motivation may arise out of the need for fulfillment of self-esteem issues.In other words, we desire attributes that lead to self-respect, respect of others, status, achievement, reputation and appreciation.   Discouraging this type of need, could lead an individual to experience feelings of inferiority and weakness. (â€Å"Managerial Psychology†, 1989, p. 27)   We may accept the opportunity set forth mainly as a means to gain recognition from our employer and co-workers.   In turn, such recognition may increase our chances at a higher status as viewed within the company.On the other hand, achievement alone can serve to propel us towards new endeavors.   According to McClelland’s (1988) Theory of Achievement Motivation, individuals with this type of need often overload themselves with difficult challenges yet their goals are obtainable.   These challenges are usually underscored by the need for feedback and assessment of their performance.   A prime example may be those individuals we stereotype as a â€Å"workaholics.†Ã‚   These individuals may be seen as the â€Å"movers and shakers† within their respective fields.   They are by all means, the employees who are known and relied upon to complete the tasks at hand and who are driven solely by their need for accomplishment.Once we have been stimulated by motivations the need must then be fulfilled.   The act of learning is inherent to us from the moment of birth provoking change that can be temporary or long term.   Through learning we seek to absorb the necessary knowledge that allows us to reach the desired result.   Learning may take on a wide range of forms and can be influenced by several factors including, but not limited to, social class, environment and of course motivation. (Howe, 1984, pp. 7-10)While the process of learning may differ between classroom and workplace, the act itself remains constant.   If we examine are previous examples of second language learning and the sale of wireless communication service plans, we can theorize as to which process may be best suited to each venture.Second language learning as with the majority of school learning requires the systematic approach of beginning first with basic comprehension and gradually increasing each subsequent level until the final objective is achieved.   As with motivation, we may associate a hierarchical process of learning with that of a classroom setting.The hierarchical aspects of learning set forth by Gagne (1970) are based on the idea that previous knowledge and experience influences future learning.   Thus, the learner must first acquire lesser skills before developing advanced capabilities.   (Howe, 1984, p. 11)   To simplify this theory, we can say a student though unfamiliar with the language at hand has already achieved the ability to understand concepts of phonetics, grammatical rule and sentence structure. By furt hering those concepts and advancing skill, the motivated student will eventually achieve fluency.Another theory suggests that there are three separate modes of learning known as Accretion, Structuring and Tuning. (Rumelhart & Norman, 1978)   Similar to aspects of hierarchy, Accretion combines new knowledge with previous experience.   Structuring allows new concepts to formulate, while Tuning thrives within a practical setting.   It is also noteworthy to mention that of all three modes, Tuning has the slowest turn around.   This most certainly is due generous amount of time needed to practice and hone learned skills.In more basic terms these modes can be viewed in the context of a generated mental cycle of acquisition, formulation and application.   As students we are taught from an early age that it is only by study and rote application of the knowledge that we will ultimately achieve success.  Ã‚   This is especially true in the sense of academics and the concept of sec ond language learning.In the workplace, the process of learning may vary somewhat from that of the classroom.   However different, the processes are undoubtedly relative to one another.   One theory we may equate with the workplace is the Experiential Learning Theory formulated by Rogers. (1996) Rogers theorized that through this classification of learning, the needs are addressed by gaining applied knowledge as opposed to academic knowledge and that such learning was synonymous with change and growth.This process of learning would include such qualities as personal involvement, self-initiation and pervasive effects to the learner.  Ã‚   We may choose to learn the product detail and how to sell a new wireless communication service plan simply because it is an area of great personal interest.   We may engage employment prospects solely for the benefit of fulfilling the need and yet we are further rewarding by putting into action all that we have learned.   Through employmen t not only do we obtain the skills necessary to achieve this goal, we are then able to put those skills into action.   Growth in this situation could be immense.A second theory that lends itself to the workplace is the Functional Context approach to learning.   (Sticht, 1988)   This theory bases itself primarily on the idea that previous knowledge facilitates new knowledge through association while emphasizing real life problem-solving and learning strategies.   Content of the instruction is delivered in such a way that it will be meaningful to the learner.Additionally, educational materials for this type of learning are generally designed for the learners’ reference once training has been completed.   Employment training classes are a good example of this theory.   Much like in Experiential Learning, we are given both the knowledge to succeed and the avenue in which to apply that knowledge.If we take for instance, an individual who has been employed by the same w ireless communications company for some time and that individual suddenly decides to change his/her position from administration to sales, it is safe to say they will in be required to attend additional training sessions.   Since the individual in all likelihood has already gained a considerable amount of knowledge pertaining to new company products and wireless communication plans, they will be able to associate their previous experience with the new concepts being instilled.In conclusion, while we may regard motivation and learning as two separate entities, their effects when combined cannot be diminished. As humans we are bombarded by stimuli that urge us to seek fulfillment of our awakened needs. Such needs make it possible us to determine our future goals and avoid stagnation.   Motivation and learning, for all intent and purpose, allows us to achieve those goals and to further our growth in both personal and professional terms.Reference ListBoje, D.M. & Leavitt, H.J. & Pon dy, L.R. (Eds.). (1989).   Motivation:   The Driving Force.   In Readings in Managerial Psychology (4th Ed.) (pp. 20-35).   Chicago:   Chicago Press, LTD.Buck, R. (1988).   Maslows Hierarchy of Motives. In Human Motivation and Emotion (2nd Ed.) (pp. 32-34).   New York:   John Wiley & SonsHowe, M.J.A. (1984).   Learning Takes Many Forms.   In A Teachers Guide to the Psychology of Learning (pp. 7-10).   Oxford:   Basil Blackwell, Inc.McClelland, D. (1988)   Human Relations Contributors.   Retrieved on November 17, 2006, from

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Cultural Differences in Turkey

Social studies Cultural differences between the youth in Turkey and the Netherlands. penn Cibii 012013001 Inhoudsopgave Introduction This project is made for the cultural studies class and will contain the differences between the younger people in Turkey and in the Netherlands. It's common that people go abroad and face with a lot of cultural problems. This is because there are a lot of cultures and they all differ from each other. Sometimes its very difficult for people to understand cultural things that are not normal fort hem but instead normal for the people of that culture.To understand why thats so difficult we have to look at the differences of 2 cultures. I chose Turkey and the Netherlands because i am from the Netherlands but i have a Turkish identity and i see a lot of differences between the Turkish and the Dutch people. For example i am here with a classmate who is dutch and from Holland. She is dealing with cultural differences and sometimes she really doesnt understand that some things are normal here because in Holland that things wouldn't accepted. The differences will be measured with the study of Hofstede. Gerard Hendrick hofstede is a dutch social psychologist.His most notable work has been in developing cultural dimensions theory. The tlve dimensions are : Individualism, masculinity power distance, uncertainty avoidance, and long term orientation. He write the books ‘Culture's conseuenses' and ‘cultures and organizations'. The five dimensions will be discussed in this project to define the differences between the youth in Turkey and the Netherlands. After the five dimensions the mwthodology of study will be explained that includes the participants, methodology and materials. After that the findings will be explained with charts and despriction of data.After the findings comes the discussion with the analysis of data and what it means. At the end there wille be a conclusion which will include implications, limitations and further research and a statement. You can find the reference list and the appendices at the end of the project. Background In this paragraph I am going to explain the study of Hofstede and what all the dimensions mean. There are five dimensions which are seen as criteria to see the differences per culture. These are : Power distance, Individualism versus collectivism, Masculinitu versus femininity, uncertainty avoidance and the Long term rientation degree.Power Distance This dimension expresses the degree to which the less powerful members of a society accept and expect that power is distributed unequally. The fundamental issue here is how a society handles inequalities among people. People in societies exhibiting a large degree of power distance accept a hierarchical order in which everybody has a place and which needs no further Justification. In societies with low power distance, people strive to equalise the distribution ot power and demand justification for inequalities of power. Indiv idualism versus collectivismThe high side of this dimension, called Individualism, can be defined as a preference for a loosely-knit social framework in which individuals are expected to take care of themselves and their immediate families only. Its opposite, Collectivism, represents a preference for a tightly-knit framework in society in which individuals can expect their relatives or members of a particular in-group to look after them in exchange for unquestioning loyalty. A society's position on this dimension is reflected in whether people's self-image is defined in terms of â€Å"l† or â€Å"we. Masculinity versus femininity The masculinity side of this dimension represents a preference in society for achievement, heroism, assertiveness and material reward for success. Society at large is more competitive. Its opposite, femininity, stands for a preference for cooperation, modesty, caring for the weak and quality of life. Society at large is more consensus-oriented. Unce rtainty avoidance The uncertainty avoidance dimension expresses the degree to which the members of a society feel uncomfortable with uncertainty and ambiguity.The fundamental issue here is how a society deals with the fact that the future can never be known: should e try to control the future or Just let it happen? Countries exhibiting strong UAI maintain rigid codes of belief and behaviour and are intolerant of unorthodox behaviour and ideas. Weak I-JAI societies maintain a more relaxed attitude in which practice counts more than principles. The long term orientation The long-term orientation dimension can be interpreted as dealing with societys search for virtue.Societies with a short-term orientation generally have a strong concern with establishing the absolute Truth. They are normative in their thinking. They exhibit great respect for traditions, a relatively small propensity to save for the uture, and a focus on achieving quick results. In societies with a long-term orientatio n, people believe that truth depends very much on situation, context and time. They show an ability to adapt traditions to changed conditions, a strong propensity to save and invest, thriftiness, and perseverance in achieving results.Methodology of study participants, place (preserve anonymity) The participants for this study are the younger people between the ages 18 and 25 in the Netherlands and Turkey. I choose this as the target group because the younger people travel a lot and have to face the most and sometimes at first with cultural ifferences. They go abroad to go on vacation, to study or to live in another country. Place Because its limited to 2 countries the places of course are in the Netherlands and Turkey.The place where the interview is held is on my school in Holland ; Fontys economische hogeschool Tilburg and my school in Turkey; Fatih university in Istanbul. I choose the school because I could find here the best participants who are speaking English and belong to th e right target group. methodology (qualitative/quantitative; case study, ethnographic etc) In this study there is made qualitative and quantitative research. Quantitative research is made hrough deskresearch and qualitative research are the questions that you can't answer with deskresearch so you need the fieldresearch for.For the fieldresearch I made questionnaires. I decided to hold the questionnairies with 10 persons in each country. So 10 questionnaires in The Netherlands as 10 questionnairies in Turkey. The people who were asked for the questionnaires are all in the age group 18 till 25 and all speak English. I made the questions with multiple choice answers so it will be easy to process the data and make a conclusion. materials; data collection instruments (observation, questionnaires) The data ollection instruments are : internet, literature and questionnaires.

Monday, July 29, 2019

A Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde

A Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde Essay Oscar Wilde, author of The Picture of Dorian Gray, makes Basils life change drastically by having him paint a portrait of Dorian Gray and express too much of himself in it, which, in Wildes mind, is a troublesome obstacle to circumvent. Wilde believes that the artist should not portray any of himself in his work, so when Basil does this, it is he who creates his own downfall, not Dorian. Wilde introduces Basil to Dorian when Basil begins to notice Dorian staring at him at a party. Basil suddenly became conscious that someone was looking at . turned halfway around and saw Dorian Gray for the first time Wilde 24. Basil immediately notices him, however Basil is afraid to talk to him. His reason for this is that he does not want any external influence in life Wilde 24. This is almost a paradox in that it is eventually his own internal influence that destroys him. Wilde does this many times throughout the book. He loved using paradoxes and that is why Lord Henry, the character most similar to Wilde, is quoted as being called Price Paradox. Although Dorian and Basil end up hating each other, they do enjoy meeting each other for the first time. Basil finds something different about Dorian. He sees him in a different way than he sees other men. Dorian is not only beautiful to Basil, but he is also gentle and kind. This is when Basil falls in love with him and begins to pai nt the picture. Basil begins painting the picture, but does not tell anyone about it, including Dorian, because he knows that there is too much of himself in it. Lord Henry discovers the painting and asks Basil why he will not display it. Lord Henry thinks that it is so beautiful it should be displayed in a museum. Basil argues that the reason he will not display the painting is because he is afraid that has shown in it the secret of his soul Wilde 23. This is another paradox because he has not only shown the secret of his soul, but the painting eventually comes to show the secret of Dorians soul also. In the preface to The Picture of Dorian Gray, Wilde explains that to reveal art and conceal the artist is arts aim Wilde 17. Basil realizes that he has not concealed himself in the painting and therefore feels the painting is not worth anything. After Lord Henry sees the painting, he asks to meet Dorian. Basil says that would not be good because his influence would be bad Wilde 31. Basil is correct in saying this because Lord Henry is the main person who helps Dorian to destroy himself. Lord Henry disregards Basils request and meets Dorian anyway. This is the beginning of the end for both Dorian and Basil because Lord Henrys influence pollutes Dorian. Lord Henry taunts Dorian and continues to remind him of all the sin that is building up  and that even though his body is not aging, his soul is deteriorating fast. When Basil notices that Dorian has not changed physically in many years, he is curious to know how Dorian stayed beautiful, but also wants to know why Dorian has changed so much emotionally. Basil does not have the painting on display, but rather keeps it in the attic. When Dorian comes over one day, he and Basil are talking when Basil asks, I wonder do I know you? Before I could answer that, I should have to see your soul. Wilde 216 Dorian goes into a rage and takes Basil upstairs to see his soul which is concealed in the painting. When Basil sees the painting which is bloody and atrocious looking, he cannot believe that he painted it. Dorian reassures him that it is indeed Basils painting. In that painting is all of Dorians hate, fear, and sadness reduced onto a canvass. READ: The Tempest Epilogue AnalysisWhen Dorian sees the picture, he blames Basil for it and picks up a knife laying on a nearby table and stabs Basil. He then takes the knife and stabs the painting in the heart, killing his soul, and returning the painting to its original form. Wilde constructs this in an interesting way because after Dorian stabs the picture, which is a representation of his soul, Wilde shows Dorian laying on the ground, wrinkled and disgusting, with a knife in his heart. Wilde did this to show that when Dorian stabbed the painting, he was actually stabbing himself. Oscar Wilde first portrays Dorian Gray as a sweet, sensitive man whom everyone admires. When Basil, however, began admiring Dorian, he changed. Lord Henry moved into his life, and the painting showed a form of beauty that he could never be able to achieve again in real life without the help of magic. With this, Dorian conceals his morbid soul with the painting and continues living as beautiful as he ever was, physically, but spiritually he is rotting inside. Wilde creates an animal out of the seemingly perfect man and has him destroy himself and his friends along with him. All of this happened because of the picture of Dorian Gray.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Critical Response Paper I Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Critical Response I - Research Paper Example The movie also concentrates on portraying the economic inequality between the two races as the women become somewhat of unequal partners in a pancake business. A business that brings the White woman riches beyond her wildest imagination and nothing but extreme sadness due to her lot in life to the Negro woman who started it all for Bea. The movie effectively plays on the racial stereotypes that existed at the time between the racially divided American society. Openly showing off the fact that colored women had no chance to get ahead in the White dominated world regardless of their inborn abilities simply because of their skin color. Delilah was reduced to the backroom position in a pancake business that should have been her own or at least been given equal partnership in since she owned the recipe that made Bea rich beyond her wildest dreams. However, her skin color prevented any sort of straightforward participation for Delilah in the business. Bea could have simply taken the recipe and run. Instead, Delilah was given 20 percent of the profits because that was all that Bea felt she was entitled to. Imitation of Life is a salute to the economic abilities of the Depression era women who found themselves without a husband to support them for one reason or another. The movie clearly depicts the travails and pitfalls that befall women who need to create an income for themselves in order to support their families during a time when the American society frowned upon women who took on real jobs in the world. Rather than portraying Bea as a woman who took the arms of various men for economic stability, she was portrayed as a shrewd businesswoman who never passed on an opportunity to strike out on her own when she had a chance to do so. One thing was clear to the viewers who were intently watching this film though. These types of opportunities were only present for the White women. Black women were to languish in slavery as the maids disguised as friends of the White wo man. The film has a strong point of view when it comes to the stability of character and personality of the two main female characters. Bea is the â€Å"modern† woman who knows how to make her way in the world using her female charms. Delilah on the other hand is offered up to the audience as the image of a self-sacrificing woman who wants nothing more than for her White master to get ahead in life with her help. One should not think that the movie concentrates only on the tribulations of the more senior female characters in the story. Rather, ample importance and screen-time is also provided to the younger women in the story, Jessie, the privileged daughter of Bea, and Peola, the half-breed daughter of Delilah who rejects her heritage because of the lot in life that it brings her. The movie shows an increased concern for the life that the mixed race child Peola has to lead in the racially divided country. As the child of a White man and a Black woman, she is considered Negro by blood and thus has no chance for a good life. This is her situation in life. Held back by the perceived color of her blood even though she is able to easily pass for a White child / woman in most cases. As Peola matures, the movie shows an increasingly conflicted woman who is truly lost and without any hope for her future. Peola despises her mother for being Black and thwarting her attempts to pass

Wedding Ceremony Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Wedding Ceremony - Essay Example This definition, however, fails to highlight the actual meaning and worth of a wedding ceremony. In most cultures weddings underscored the need for the transition from one stage of life to another. It may no longer be seen that way but in Greek cultures, for example, wedding marked the transition of a woman from one â€Å"Oikos† to her new â€Å"Oikos†. â€Å"She changed from a partner, a maiden, to a nymph, a married woman without children, when she married and then finally to a gyne, an adult woman when she bore her first child. The entire set of marriage rites focused on the bride and her relocation to a new Oikos and Kurios, the most important transition in her life.† (Powers, 1997) The wedding in Greek culture would last three days where each day had an important cultural significance. The first day was the day when a bride would offer her toys and other childhood stuff to deities. This was done to mark her freedom from her old life and transition into a new life. Similarly for Romans as well, the wedding was a critical rite and did not just mean the act of marrying two people. In Roman culture, people could legally live together without a wedding and hence when a ceremony took place, it meant much more than just legalizing the marriage. Just like the Greek ceremony, Romans would also have a day on which the bride would perform certain rituals to mark her transition to the next stage of life. She would also get rid of her toys and childhood belongings. However, the most important part of the ceremony was the hairdo and the dress. The Roman bride would wear the dress only once and her hair would be styled in a particular manner. The veil was a must and it had to be worn by all brides.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The Immigration Experience of Vietnamese Americans Essay

The Immigration Experience of Vietnamese Americans - Essay Example However these people have strongly come back and made their place in the United States of America. This article would further discuss the Vietnamese Americans in detail. In 1975 Vietnam was undergoing a war which came to an end. This war even after ending left its effect on the Vietnamese people. The government which was supporting the people of Vietnam was now about to change and this created an atmosphere of insecurity for the Vietnamese people. In 1975 the first group of immigrants of Vietnamese people left their country. These people at first migrated to the refugee centers developed by the government of United States. However after some legislations were introduced these refugees were allowed to properly live in America. The era of immigrants did not end here as the new government started taking strict actions against the people of Vietnam. This further encouraged the Vietnamese people to leave their own land and migrate to America. As more and more immigrants were fleeing to United States the state restricted the entry of these people after a certain limit. However this step taken by the government of America harmed the people of Vietnam and f urther helped the new government in Vietnam to take proper actions against them. The journey of immigration for the Vietnamese people did not end here as living on the soil of America was more difficult then expected by them. The people belonging to Vietnam were equipped with a strong culture which was to be followed. This culture had rules which were not seen by the Americans previously. And this culture only made their immigration and the settling journey harder. The culture of Vietnamese people did not allow their women to work but after coming to America the men had to let go off their culture and let their women work to earn a living. This was another blow to the Vietnamese people for settling. However the people of Vietnam did not lose hope and kept on with their struggle. These people not only faced hardships economically but also socially. The children belonging to Vietnam were not able to properly talk in English and found it difficult when conversing with a native. On the other hand the education given in America was through the medium of English and this factor made the children of Vietnam leave behind in the education sector also. The people of Vietnam had strong differences in culture to that of the natives and this posed another difficulty for these Vietnams to settle in America. The people of Vietnam were not only faced by the problem of differing cultures but also with the problem of discrimination. The natives did not like the arrival of these immigrants from Vietnam and this made it even more difficult for the Vietnamese people to settle in America. The natives did not like the Vietnamese people due to the fact that they were taking over the economics and the industrial unit of America. Thus this posed another problem to the Vietnamese people. However after a series of hardships the Vietnamese people grew in numbers and took over America. These people after a long time started to settle properly on the soil of America. The children of Vietnamese people were given special instructions by their parents to learn English. They have even arranged special classes of English for their children. This has helped the children of Vietnam to increase their knowledge and enhance their educational level.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Strategic Management Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Strategic Management Plan - Essay Example The plan will clearly state the role of each individual while implementing the plan and the possible negative and positive outcomes of the organizational changes. The main objective of this strategic management plan is to emphasize on the relevance of designing one technology based Human Resource Information System (HRIS) for enhancing the overall integration of the firms HR functions. HRIS will help the company to maintain information regarding the employee performance report, salary statement, personal file and applicant tracking. However, the method of implementation is the most important factor that determines the effect of the HRIS. As in Garson & Khosrow-Pour (147), the implementation of effective HRIS would reduce response time to serve customers and clients, improves the quality and timeliness of service to employees, improves the quality of HR services to employees, and makes HR more responsive to customers. Therefore, management and participants must get convinced of the significance of the strategy. The organization might confront with problems related to a proper system design and acquisition. Therefore it is the area where manage ment needs to hire the assistance of some professionals and vendor experts. The HRIS project manager should have the up-to-date technical and professional knowledge because system development and implementation are the significant stages of the HRIS project where specialized understanding is needed. However, manager should be cautious about data privacy issues, vendor selection, planning, and development while the service is entrusted to outsourcing. It can be done if the organization determines the external involvement to specific limits. In order to prevent deliberate malpractice in the system, system programming and maintaining needs to be separated. Vendor selection is another important area where conflicts of

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Interview Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Interview Assignment - Essay Example Obviously, a lot of other applicants already have uttered these words which do not at all make me stand out from the rest. Aside from that, sincerity is not achieved. Thus, if I were to assess myself as a candidate employee, I would so easily look to others who might have a more personal story, something that would include personal experiences of how one was able to overcome a pressuring situation before or how one was able to handle difference of opinions without causing a fight. With this said, I would say that I would change the manner of telling about myself in a manner by which I would focus not on what I wish to do in the future, instead, how I would use my experiences to nurture good working relationships and maintain a good performance in their company. This is because of the fact that, in this manner, I would not be making up stories which appears to be obviously made up or idealistic. On the other hand, my second video was very attractive to employers because how I told about myself and my experiences were now hinged on how these will benefit the company if they hire me. With much thought about what a certain company I am applying for would need and want, I am able to choose relevant experiences of mine to tell them instead of just going around a bush and not really connecting to what the interviewer is looking for. Aside from that, showing willingness to learn from the experience the company will give me, should they hire me, instead of pretending like you know it all, is the time when I start to not stutter and not feel uncomfortable. In this activity, I have learned that being truly yourself is indeed very helpful in landing for a job that you like because it avoids one to sound superficial or trying too hard, which is a common trait of all other applicants. However, being truly yourself should also be accompanied with knowing the background, purpose, and goal of the company you are aspiring to be a part of because it shows that you

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Youth Connexions Literature review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Youth Connexions - Literature review Example Connexions link the work of the government departments with those of the voluntary and private sector groups and the careers and youth services. All the support and services that are needed by the young people during their teenage years are brought together by Connexions (Bekaert 2005, p165). In the year 2003/2004, close to 3.6 interventions were made with the young people. By March 2004, nearly 100,000 teenagers aged 16 – 18 years left the ‘Not in Education Employment or Training’ group and entered training, a job with training or education (Department for Work and Pensions 2004). Connexions provide practical assistance in the choosing the right careers and courses. It also offers access to a number of personal development activities such as volunteering activities, performing arts, and sport. Advice and assistance is also provided on issues such as homelessness, sexual health, and drug abuse. Connexions provide an all inclusive support to the young people. A per sonal adviser is made available to these young people. The personal advisers have different roles depending on the need of the young person. Some are career advisers and others it is personal adviser who provides an in-depth support to the young person, and to help them in the identification of learning barriers and find solutions and gain access to a more specialist support. The personal adviser works in a number of settings such as colleges, community centres, one-stop shops, on an outreach basis, and schools (Bekaert 2005, p165). Connexions has its own website that has all the information for the personal advisers and other professionals; this is the national website for the Connexions. A national Connexions website for the young people also exists. Another website for Connexions is the Connexions Direct and it assists the user with information and advice in regard to issues such as housing, health, career and learning options, relationships with friends and family, activities to participate, and money. The local Connexions partnerships website also exists (Bekaert 2005, p165). There are proposals to sustain Connexions in regions where its performance is good and there are still indications that the guidance and support provided by Connexions is supposed to go local as much as possible. The responsibility for organizing the focus of the services in regard to working with the young people should have a coherent and holistic response approach and should lie within the future of the Children’s Trusts (Hine and Wood 2009, p177). The Connexions Strategy The proposal for the Connexions strategy was signed in 2000 by the Prime Minister and 7 Cabinet Ministers. The intention of the strategy is to coordinate policy in a number of partner agencies; they include colleges, training providers, schools, drug action teams, employers, leaving care teams, social service, the youth service, teenage pregnancy coordinators, and the voluntary sector. The primary aim of t he strategy is to offer support service to all 13 – 19 year olds through a system of personal advisers; the services are delivered by multi-agency teams (Roche 2004, p97). The Connexions Service There are around 47 Connexions partnerships that cover England. Each of the Connexions partnership has an extensive workforce that works directly with the young people. The workforce is composed of professional qualified personal advisers and delivery staff who work under the supervision of the qualified professional personal advisers. The main focus of the Connexions service is the young people and their primary objective is the promotion of the welfare of the young people (Great Britain

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Critically consider the impact of implementing the new statutory Essay

Critically consider the impact of implementing the new statutory guidence for the new early years foundation stage 2012 across the early years sector - Essay Example It also involves having enabling environment where the experiences and opportunities are tailored to meet the individual needs of the child and lastly the learning and development which must appreciate that a child learns in different ways and rates (Standards & Testing Agency 2014, p.4). The Early Years Foundation Stage Framework avails to professionals a set of common principles and commitments aimed at delivering early education to children in a quality manner and gives childcare experiences that are expected of all children. The framework majorly gives confidence to the parent that whichever place they choose for the early education of their children they are assured that the same principles and commitments provided by the British law shall apply to the experiences of their children in terms of learning and development. The EYFS 2012 emphasizes the need for professionals to spend enough time in interacting with the children in order to promote skills that may help the child be creative think critically and know how to communicate and develop language at an early stage (Soni and Bristow 2013, p.41). It also encourages the parents to e more involved in the development of the child and to give insights on how they can support the development at their respective home s as well as the early identification of the needs of the child that may require special attention or the involvement of healthcare providers. It also aims at equipping professionals with the knowledge of how they can share the progress of children between the ages of two and three and how to refocus the learning and development of children still at the early foundation stages. The aforementioned are assessed through the important areas of learning that address learning and they include personal, emotional and social development as well as the specifics when it comes to the literacy, mathematics, design and expressive arts and understanding of the world. The EYFS

Sustainability and the Balanced Scorecard Essay Example for Free

Sustainability and the Balanced Scorecard Essay Practices that are good for the environment and society may appear to have a negative impact on corporate profitability, but use of the balance scorecard can result in a clearer picture of the relationship among sustainable practices, corporate strategies, and profitability. This article explores three ways that sustainable practices can be incorporated into BSC and discusses issues that should be considered when selecting sustainability related measures, targets, and goals. It also examines ways to enhance both internal and external reporting of sustainability-related performance. Adopting green operating practices is certainly good for the environment, yet the implications of such practices for a business’s profitability may be viewed as both positive and negative. On one hand, by contributing to product differentiation in the market- place and enhancing organizational image to investors and customers (both current and potential), green practices may increase a company’s profitability. On the other hand, green practices may actually reduce profitability because of extra costs that result from implementation and continuation of sustainable practices. For example, installing solar panels on a building may lower monthly electricity bills, but, concomitantly, the reduced electricity bills may be more than offset by the high purchase and installation costs associated with the panels. The sustainability concept now runs rampant in business literature, but, unfortunately, there is no agreed- upon definition of sustainability or its underlying tenets. â€Å"Sustainable† or â€Å"green† practices will be found throughout the operations of a business. These practices can be included in the design features of an organization’s buildings, vendor  selection in the supply chain, production of goods and provision of services, and packaging features and distribution elements of those products and services, and the practices will be a significant consideration in a product’s ultimate disposal. The BSC typically reflect four interrelated perspectives of a company: financial, customer, international business prowess, and learning and growth. Each perspective has a series of performance measures, targets, and goals that reflect the firm’s long-term strategies. The financial perspective takes the viewpoint of the company shareholders and typically uses traditional financial measures such as operating cash flows, return on investment, and changes in operating income over time. The customer perspective addresses product and firm differentiation strategies as well as value creation from the viewpoint of the organizations client base. The international business processes perspective includes measures of the efficiency and the effectiveness of the firms operations. The learning and growth perspective focuses on the creation of organizational value through employees and innovative practices. The first method is to add a fifth perspective to the BSC. It may be the simplest approach for companies that want to emphasize sustainability as a key corporate value or a critical strategy. The sustainability perspective consists of social and environmental performance indicators that link with the other four BSC dimensions and highlights the importance of social, environmental, and economic responsibility as a corporate goal. This approach could allow management to establish less definitive measurements without compromising organizational aggregation. The second approach is sustainability-balanced scorecard (SBSC). A separate SBSC is an appropriate for many companies such as those existing BSC but want to measure or integrate sustainability without the disruption and cost of adopting a full-scale BSC. SBSC include the following four perspectives: sustainability, stakeholders, processes and learning. The sustainability perspective would emphasize the triple bottom line of economic prosperity, environmental quality, and social justice. The stakeholder perspective would  incorporate measures of business ethics, labor practices, and impact on society. The processes perspective would focus on specific organizational external and internal processes products, tools, and systems. The learning perspective would stress organizational synergy, training, and research and development. A strength of the SBSC is that a well-defined corporate sustainability strategy is not essential to its development. The third is integrating sustainability measures throughout the four perspectives. Management has to both define the metrics that are important in measuring progress towards organizational sustainability objectives, and how sustainability (or lack thereof) will affect the future. Incorporating new measures are important the firms financial well being as customer satisfaction, manufacturing cycle efficiency, and patent-generating research and development. The integration method also works well for companies that have adopted a more all-encompassing definition of sustainable practices that includes environmental, health, and social aspects. This article relates to accounting class because of the topics covered such as sustainability, triple bottom reports, return on investment, and balanced scorecard. The article concludes with developing sustainability metrics. These provide tangible guidance to how the strategies implemented help create shareholder value. There are three ways that sustainable practices can be incorporated into the balanced scorecard: adding a fifth perspective to the BSC, a sustainability-balanced scorecard, and integrating sustainability measures throughout the four perspectives. My perspective is, I know how important it is to be not only more â€Å"green† today, but as cost effective as possible. The three methods don’t look too complicated to be implemented. The article states at the end that companies are being pressured by stakeholders to become more transparent, and such transparency is becoming the norm rather than the exception. The 2008 KPMG international survey of corporate responsibility reporting found that, in 2008, nearly 80% of the worlds largest 250 companies issued some type of responsibility report. These responsibility reports included governance, ethical, environmental and social issues. It is now more important than ever to go green.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Tragedy in Tom Brennan Essay Example for Free

Tragedy in Tom Brennan Essay Question: It is impossible to avoid conflict in life, but this tragedy was preventable. Do you agree? Do you believe that tragedies only happen to others? In the novel ‘The story of Tom Brennan’, by JC Burke, she highlights in the most severe way that tragedies do occur. My opinion to the matter at hand is that tragedies do happen. There will always be unavoidable conflict andI agree with the first statement in the paragraph. If you think about the events that took place in the novel, you will understand that the story line is not a happy one. As described by JC Burke, the novel outlines grief in many instances, sadness in the way of Nicole and Luke’s families. Although these emotions are outlined there is still bright and happy emotions involved. It is impossible to avoid conflict; it is just a matter of the amount of tragedy you receive. The amount of conflict you receive can also reflect on a person’s personality, how they respond and handle otherwise terrible issues. If you can stay strong through the tough times in life, you can overcome the obstacles that are thrown at you. There are many stages a person goes through during times of tragedy; it varies between people, religions and races. Some of the stages are depression, being so sad you can’t find any way out. Anger is another, showing you miss the person/s so much rage takes over your life. These are just some of the stages one goes through during tragedy. Obviously the accident in the novel is a tragedy, however there was definitely negligence involved in the events that took place on the night of the accident. Daniel was intoxicated and the passengers knew that so I question the judgment of them, never the less the responsibility lies with the driver and in this case it is Daniel. His actions leading to the death of his friends Nicole and Luke were unacceptable, also his actions lead to the impairment of his cousin Fyn. His cousin Fyn was one of his great friends, they did everything together, played for the same rugby team, training alongside each other and just generally having a great time. Now though Fyn is not capable of doing the things he ones was able to do. He will no longer share his passion for rugby he once had, although he would give anything to play there is nothing he can do.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Impact on international business negotiations

Impact on international business negotiations Cultures Impact On International Business Negotiations International Negotiations And Culture Nowadays there is not product or service that does not have any international mark in its story. According to Thomas, D. (2008:3) â€Å"virtually all business conducted today is global business. It is difficult to identify a product or service that is not somehow influenced by a cross-border transaction of some kind†. Czinkota et al. (2009:53) suggests that when a firm expands its operations across international borders, it acquires new customers and new partners in new environments. It is essential for the company to understand cultural differences and the way they manifest themselves and to determine similarities across cultures and exploit them in the formulation of strategy. The success in new markets is determined by the capability of the firm to adapt to the new culture. Patience, flexibility and appreciation of others beliefs are essential qualities. Unlike economic, legal, and political aspects of the country, which are recognizable, cultures effects are mostly hidden and difficult to observe. For this reason, Thomas (2008:11) states that culture is the aspect of the management context most often neglected. Even large multinational corporations like Unilever need to observe the cultural features in a new market before launching a product. For example, when Unilever decided to enter the Indian market, it began its business by spending weeks living in rural villages to spend time with locals and come in touch with their uses and customs. Doing this, it discovered that to sell soap to Indian women it had to develop differently its product. Because of the use of the women of this region to use the same soap for body washing as for shampoo, Unilever developed a low-cost soap that could be used for body and for hair. (Johnson et all. 2006:302) To deal with culture it is necessary to understand what it is and what it is made of. ASPECTS /COMPONENTS INVOLVED IN PARTICULAR INTO THE BUSINESS WORLD, IN RELACION CON EL MUNDO COMERCIAL Definition Of Culture Czincota et al. (2009:54) defines culture as an â€Å"integrated system of learned behaviour patterns that are characteristics of the members of any society†. Any society has interrelated and interdependent features that characterize the direction and guidance in all phases of human problem solving. Culture is dynamic in time and develops through interactions among groups of people, societies, regions and nations. The key to success in international operations is to adjust and adapt to a specific culture in order to understand and later satisfy its specific needs. This activity is called â€Å"process of acculturation†. Reseacrh in this field has demonstrated that culture affects peoples behaviour. Its internal elements as values and attitudes can influence the way a person approach new products and some companies might find necessary to adapt dramatically its goods to the societys requirements. These elements are: language (verbal or nonverbal), religion, values and attitudes, manners and customs, material elements, aesthetics, education and social institutions (Maureen 2005: 42; Czinkota et al. 2009: 57). THE LATES PROVIDED A VERY USEFUL DEFINITION OF THESE ELEMENTS THAT CAN BE SUMMARIZED AS FOLLOW: 2.1. Language has been described by Czincota et al. (2009: 58) as the mirror of culture. Language capability serves three distinct roles in international business. Firstly, business meeting are aids by language knowledge. Speaking the national language would make the people more comfortable and inclined to make a deal. Secondly, it provides access to local society. It is reccomendable to become part of the market rather than observe it from the outside. Finally, language capability is increasingly important in company communications because using an interpreter takes long time and the manager could not be sure the message has been translated correctly. The company has to pay also attention at the different translations that a word could have in countries with the same language. For example, Goodyear has identified five different terms for the word â€Å"tyres† in the Spanish-speaking Americas: cauchos in Venezuela, cubiertas in Argentina, gomas in Puerto Rico, neumaticos in Chile and llantas in most of the other countries. Dealing with language invariably requires local assistance. Manager also must to analyse and becoming familiar with nonverbal language. Key topics are: time, space, material possessions, friendship patterns and business agreements (Czinkota et all 2009: 60).Following, this aspect will be applied at the Spanish culture. 2.2. Religion has an impact on international business that is seen in a cultures values and attitudes toward entrepreneurship, consumption and social organization.(SINTASSI) Although the impact of religion may be indirect in Protestant northern Europe, its impact in countries where Islamic fundamentalism is on the rise may be profound. .(Czinkota et all 2009: 60). 2.3. The differences in cultural values and attitudes affect the way planning is executed, decisions are made, strategy is implemented and personnel are evaluated. In some counties many middle-aged bureaucrats and company officials believe that buying foreign products is unpatriotic.(Czinkota et all 2009: 63). 2.4. Manners and customs: understanding manners and customers is especially important in negotiations, because interpretations based on ones own frame of reference may lead to a totally incorrect conclusion. To negotiate affectively abroad, all types of communication should be read correctly. For example, gift giving is one area where preparation and sensitivity are called for. (Czinkota et all 2009: 65). 2.5 Material elements: material culture refers to the results of technology and is directly related to how a society organizes its economic activity. Many US exporters do not understand the degree to which Americans are package conscious; for example, cans must be shiny and beautiful. (Czinkota et all 2009: 67) 2.6 Aesthetics: each culture makes a clear statement concerning good taste, as expressed in the arts and in the particular symbolism of colours, form and music. What is and what is not acceptable may vary dramatically even in otherwise highly similar markets. In Spain, for example, sex is a big selling point while Japanese in order to preserve the purity of their women use foreign models to make the point in provocative adverts. (Czinkota et all 2009:67). ESEMPIO PUBLICITA PROVOCATIVA IN SPAGNA 2.7 Education: education levels effect various business functions. For example, a high level of illiteracy suggests the use of visual aids rather than printed manuals. (Czinkota et all 2009: 68). In Lanzarote the labels of many products are written in Castellano, English and French to adapt to the mix of nationalities population †¦ of the island. (COME FACCIO LA REFERENZA?) 2.8 Social institutions: It affects the way people relate to each other. The family unit, which in Western industrialized countries consists of parents and children, is extended in a number of cultures to include grandparents and other relatives. This affects consumption patterns and must be taken into account, for example when conducting market research. social organization also determine the roles of managers and subordinates and how they relate to one another. In some cultures, managers and subordinates are separated explicitly and implicitly by various boundaries ranging from social class differences to separate office facilities. (Czinkota et all 2009: 68) Controllato Fino A Qua Spanish Culture This chapter analyses the main characteristics of Spanish culture paying particular attention at the Lanzarotes context. To understand a culture, one must first understand the people – where they come from, who they are the values and traditions they live by, as well as their customs and etiquette. (Graff 2006: about the series). Spain is a land of contrasts. A fascinating mixture of cultures, architecture, landscapes and climates, it is a country begging to be explored and offering newcomers as wide a choice of lifestyles, business opportunities and entertainment as any other country in Europe. (Graff 2006: vi) Spaniard love to gather together and talk. They are sociable people, generally vivacious, ready to enjoy a party and join in celebrations. They are passionate about their family, their conviction and their arts, but also enjoy modest pleasures such as a good meal with friends. Spanish temperament is strongly individualistic. (Graff 2006: 30) In Spain there is the usage to kiss people on the cheeks when meeting at an event or in the street. Foreigners must be aware of this customs and adapt to it. Women will kiss the men and the other women, but men will only kiss women. It is possible that at the end of a friendly conversation a man may give another man a big hug that it is just an expression of friendly feeling. (Graff 2006: 32) Settling In Spanish bureaucracy is a critical factor for foreigners and locals. Because of the slow administrative system, it could take also a day to get a simply permit. Patience will be tried to the extreme on occasion, and it must be learnt to remain calm and reasonable under quite severe stress. Spaniards find these long waiting a chance to do conversation and make new friends. (Graff 2006:57) Food And Entertaining Spaniards have a real veneration for food. A meal it is an expression of community spirit, to everyone meeting to enjoy the food and the company (Graff 2009:97). Language There are different languages and dialects spoken throughout the country. The local languages may create difficulties to foreigner when travelling from a region to another as road signs might be written in the local language. Castilian is the official language of Spain used by the majority of the mass media and also in official documents. However, Catalan, Galician and Basque are widely spoken in their regions (Graff 2006:140). Non-Verbal Communication Spaniards use non-verbal language more than British people. Particularly when speaking with foreigner, Spanish people wave their hands to describe or to emphasise what they are saying. Handshakes are never prolonged and only used at first introductions, after which kissing becomes the accepted form of greeting (Graff 2006: 143). MAÑANA Punctuality In order to do not have unpleasant hours of waiting it is necessary to understand what Spaniards mean with maà ±ana, (tomorrow). According to Spanish courtesy it is more acceptable to keep scheduling an appointment maà ±ana, even knowing there are just a few possibilities it will happen, instead of refusing it (Graff 2006: 145). Spaniards do nothing in a hurry. While they expect foreign visitors to be punctual for business meetings, they are lax about their own punctuality for social occasions or business appointments (Bosrock 2006: 399) Meetings And Business Lunches Spaniards prefers to do business face to face. For this reason, when it is possible, they like to arrange a meeting in a cafà © or a restaurant. Business meeting are frequent occurrences and likely to be noisy affairs where a foreign could probably be constantly interrupted. These kind of lunches tend to become lengthy affair. It is so advised to do not schedule any important appointment after the lunch (Graff 2006: 151). (Bosrock 2006: 393) Because of the richness of Spanish culture and history it is recommended to know some of the basic fact. Applying this to the Spain it results an useful list..: Its official name: Spain The collective name of its people: Spanish/Spaniards The language(s) spoken: Castilian (official), Basque, Catalan, Its presidents name: Zapatero Its political system: democracy Its currency: Euro Whether it belongs to the European Union (EU): yes Main events of the past century, (the more details you know, the better your conversation will be.) Current issues and event (Bullfighting, ETA, ) (Bosrock 2006: 20) What To Wear According to Bosrock 2006 (397) â€Å"appearance is extremely important to Spaniards, and they will judge you on how you look. Wearing high-quality designer clothing and accessories will suggest professionalism and social standing. Spaniards dress well, and their casual attire is smart casual It is recommendable to be aware about the Spanish tortura de la galanteria when loud comments are made about someone appearance as walking by someone Spanish. This must be taken as something simply complimentary (Graff 2009:152). Business Dealings With Spaniards Graff stances that ‘most foreigners say that they find doing business with Spaniards â€Å"straightforward† generally speaking. The ‘problems seem to arise from the Spaniards wish to enjoy what he happens to be doing at any particular moment with the frequent result that he will completely forget an appointment made a few days ago in order to pursue the business being discussed with the client sitting in front of him. One of the chief complaints voiced by many foreigners id ‘unpunctuality and, as this aspect of Spanish existence is much in evidence in all the spheres; you will need to learn how to deal with: Sudden change of plan Being stood up with no excuses whatsoever offered Business meetings dragging on with the result that you too, will be late for your next appointment (Graff 2006: 153). Spanish Corporate Culture (Bosrock 2006:400) Structure: conflict and stress exist in business between the old bureaucratic, authoritarian management style that managers over age fifty use and the new, more participative management style that younger managers use. The boss asserts authority and solve problems but in the real organizational structure that is social, people on the third or fourth level may have more actual power then those at the top. While subordinates accept criticism from the boss, theyre likely to resent criticism from colleague or outsiders. When reprimanded, a person often wont admit fault. Communication (Bosrock 2006:400) large companies conduct business in English and Spanis, but Spanish usually predominates. Check ahead to see whether youll need an interpreter. Spaniards may hesitate to express disagreement to your face; they believe that open disagreement is disrespectful, instead, they will discuss their disagreement with others, who will eventually pass it on to you. (Smiles dont always mean you have done well) Be Aware Spaniards are very proud people. Dont mistake their self-relaince and sense of worth as intolerance. Never embarrass anyone. Expect delays and procrastination. Spanish bureaucracy menas odd office hours, plenty of paperwork, seemingly random rules and regulations, and unhelpful staff. Spaniards dismissal of rules and regulations produces a constant crisis atmosphere Spaniards loyalty lies with people, not institutions. Especially For Women Spanish society is aggressively pursuing equality between the sexes. Nevertheless, machismo persist. Few working women are on the fast track; female lawyers and doctors are extremely rare. In addition, society expect even working women to be the primary caretakers of the family and home. progress for professional women has been slow, but educationally qualified women are gradually gaining acceptance in the business community. While Spaniards accept foreign businesswomen, its important that women immediately establish credentials and ability. Spanish men are charming. Be especially careful of making eye contact with Spanish man, whi may interpret your gaze as flirting. Although its rare to whistle at women, staring is common and acceptable. If someone stares at you, just ignore it. For dinner, dont dine alone in restaurants or bars. Its acceoptable for a foreign woman to invite a Spanish man to a business dinner, but she may have trouble paying for the meal. Spanish men expect to pay. If you want to pay, arrange payment with the wait staff beforehand. Working Hours Dati Popolazione Lanzarotegna Da Wikipedia that a company should understand before initiate any negotiation. Bases Of Negotiation In An International Business In markets such as China and Taiwan, companies such as KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken), McDonalds and other fast food entities dramatically changed eating habits, especially of the younger generation. The example of KFC in India illustrates the difficulties that companies may have entering culturally complex markets. Even though the company opened its outlets in two of the Indias most cosmopolitan cities (Bangalore and New Delhi), it found itself the target of protests by a wide range of opponents. KFC could have alleviated or eliminated some of the anti-Western passions by tailoring its activities to the local conditions. First, rather than opting for more direct control, KFC should have allied itself with local partners for advice and support. Second, KFC should have tried to appear more Indian rather than using high-profile advertising with Western ideas. Indians are ambivalent toward foreign cultures and its ideas may not always work well there. Finally, KFC should have planned for competition, which came from small restaurants with political clout at the local level. (Czinkota et all 2009: 56) Main Issues About International Relationships In Lanzarote On May 2009, the only English magazine on Lanzarote island, The Gazette, carried out a research about customer services quality on the island. It found out the quality level was very low due to the attitude of certain shop assistants and their unwillingness to assist customers and solve their problems. One factor that The Gazette suggested to take into account was the cultural divide. It took as example the fact that the Spanish do not say â€Å"please† and â€Å"thank you† as much as the British do. As explained in the article titled â€Å"Service not included!†, in Britain it is common to sat these words around four or five times during the most simple transaction in a shop. As a result, what is normal in Lanzarote may seem brusque to a visitor on the island. (The Gazette 2009) Products are not just products: they become what they are as the result of their integration into particular context. For example, MD Food, a Danish producer of dairy products, marketed Havarti cheese in Spain that was physically the same marketed in Denmark. However, it did not think about the different uses and criteria of evaluation of the two different countries. While the cheese in Denmark may be eaten on black bread accompanied by milk, the souths European eat it on white bread and take it with wine. (Maureen, G. 2005) For this reason, it is highly recommended to carry out a research based on the probable use the consumer may do of a product. How To Do Business Across Culture Mention Artic spa (book about how an Artic spa should be sold) First thing to ask yourself: â€Å"Are my actions considerate and respectful?† (Bosrock 2006: 5). According to the article â€Å"Going native† published on The Gazette on April 2009, English people living on the island should â€Å"go native† and live day at the Spanish way in order to fully integrate with the local culture. The article suggest to firstly start the day with a traditional Lanzarotes breakfast, dress like local, and not like tourists, have fun like local and get ones self attitude right. (The Gazette: April 2009) How can a company explain and predict the behavior of people in a specific country ? From the management perspective, first at all, managers must ensure smooth interaction of the business with its different constituents and must assist others to implement programmes within and across markets. (Czinkota et al 2009: 73) The international managers task is to distinguish relevant cross-cultural and intra-cultural differences and then to isolate potential opportunities and problems. A good example is the Indian subculture in Britain McDonalds in Europe is an excellent example of how an organization has used an appreciation of culture as a competitive business advantage. When McDonalds restaurants first approaches France did have hard work. French activists attempt to destroy a McDonalds restaurant under construction. The French are a nation for whom good food and quality dining are cultural icons akin to the Eiffel Tower. Yet somehow McDonalds is thriving in France, with revenues second only to those in the United Estates . The company has about 950 restaurants in France, and in 2006 its sales in France grew by 8 percent, which is a pretty good growth for a county that treasures fine dining (Solomon and Schell, 2006)p.7 While maintaining a global brand, it has adapted it to be respectful of local tastes and values. Some of the restaurants have leather upholstery, and some have fireplaces and candles.( Solomon and Schell, 2006) it also developed relationship with local suppliers. McDonalds is thriving in Europe b ecause it gets the culture right. According to Maureen G, (2005) cultural differences are known to affect peoples purchasing behavior. For example, Scandinavian countries have much faster take-off rates for adopting new technical products such as DVD recorders or third generation mobile phones, than those of the big European economies such as Germany and Britain. For these reason technical products companies as Nokia could find Scandinavian countries a good place to test new products. One way is to employ foreign people of the same foreign country the company wants to expand in. in this way the company itself could use these international employees as example of what the new customers will be and in this way find out how they could approach the companys new product (before launching it on the market) Another way could be to organize long-term â€Å"holiday† abroad for some of the employees. In this way these employees will learn how the new potential customers behave and what they would really aspect from a product. In these period it could be possible to test and make changes to the product. (Maureen 2005: †¦) Bosrock suggests to approach international travels with the same attitude and behaviour used when attending a party in ones bosss home. the invited person would be sensitive, would dress appropriately and bring a suitable gift (Bosrock 2006: 4). To achieve success in international business negotiation it is imperative to show respect and consideration to others but to do this it is firstly necessary to learn about those people and their cultural features. The best method to learn is to observe, ask, listen and mainly try and make errors. (Bosrock 2006: 5) The Ten Things To Do Before Visiting A Host Country 1. Recognize and respect uniqueness. 2. Need basic knowledge of each countrys culture and history will greatly benefit you 3. Build relationships. 4. Never compare countries to one another or to your country. 5. Never judge another countrys political or social system. 6. Be patient. Business may be very different from your countrys. 7. Be flexible. adapt to the environment. Dont pretend others to adapt to your style. 8. Always be sincere. 9. Ask, look and listen. 10. Assume the best about people and their actions. Most behaviour is rational once we understand its rational. (Bosrock 2006: 6) Sources Of Cultural Knowledge Books, Movies, Exchanges, The concept of cultural knowledge is broad and multifaceted. Cultural knowledge can be defined by the way it is acquired. Objective and factual information is obtained from others through communication, research and education. Experiential knowledge, on the other hand, can be acquired only by being involved in a culture other than ones own. The more a manager becomes involved in the international arena, the more he or she is able to develop a meta-knowledge; that is, ground rules that apply whether in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, or Asuncià ³n, Paraguay. Market-specific knowledge does not necessarily travel well; the general variables on which the information is based to. (Czinkota et all 2009: 73) In a survey of managers on how to acquire international expertise, they ranked eight factors in terms of their importance (see appendix 1). The managers emphasized the experiential acquisition of knowledge. Written materials played an important but supplementary role, very often providing general or county-specific information before operational decisions were made. Interestingly, many of todays international managers have pre-career experience in government, the Peace Corps, the armed force or voluntary work. Although the survey emphasized travel, a one-time trip to New York with a stay at a very large hotel and scheduled sightseeing tours does not significantly contribute to cultural knowledge. Travel that involves meetings with company personnel, intermediaries, facilitating agents, customers and government officials, on the other hand, does contribute. HOWEVER, FROM THE CORPORATE POINT OF VIEW, GLOBAL CAPABILITY IS DEVELOPED IN MORE OAINSTAKING WAYS: FOREIGN ASSIGNMENTS, NETWORKI NG ACROSS BORDERS AND THE USE OF MULTi-country, multicultural teams to develop strategies and programs. At Nestlà ©, for example, managers move around a region (such as Asia or Latin America) at four- or five-year intervals and may serve stints at headquarters for two to three years between such assignments. Such broad experience allows managers to pick up ideas and tools to be used in markets where they have not been used or where they have not been necessary before. In Thailand, where supermarkets are revolutionizing consumer-goods marketing technique perfected elsewhere in the Nestlà © system are being put to effective use. The experience the, in turn, are used to develop newly emerging markets in the same region, such as Vietnam. (Czinkota et all 2009: 73) Other oversights may lead to more costly mistakes. for example, Brazilians are several inches shorter than the average Americans, but this was not taken into account when the US store Sears erected American-height shelves that block Brazilian shoppers view of the rest of the store. (Czinkota et all 2009: ) International business success requires not only comprehensive fact finding and preparation but also an ability to understand and fully appreciate the nuances of different cultural traits and patterns. Gaining this interpretative cultural knowledge requires ‘getting ones feet wet over a sufficient length of time. Over the long run, culture can become a factor in the firms overall success. (Czinkota et all 2009: 75) Research has shown that the take-off point for new products (i.e., when initial sales turn into mass-market slaes) is six years, on average, in Europe. However, in northern Europe new products take off almost twice as fast as they do in southern Europe. (when will it fly? The Economist , 9 August 2003, 51) It is important to position the product as a continuous innovation that does not require radical changes in consumption pattern. (Steenkamp and Hofstede, 1999) Since the United States higly regards individualism, promotional appeals should be relevenat to individual empowerement. also messages should be informal and friendly. In opposite situations, marketing communications have to emphasize thet the new product is socially accepted. However, if the product is imported it can sometimes utilize global or foreign cultural positioning. For example in China, individualism is often used for imported products but almost never for domestic ones. (Czinkota et all 2009: 77) Understanding the implications of the dimensions helps businesspeople prepare for international business encounter. For example, in negotiating in Germany one can expect a counterpart whi is through, systematic, very well prepared, but also rather dogmatic and therefore less flexible and willing to compromise. Efficiency is emphasized. In Mexico, however, the counterpart may prefer to address problems on a person and private basis rather than on a business level. This means more emphasis on socializing and conveying ones humanity, sincerity, loyalty and friendship. Also, differences in the pace and business practices of a region have to be accepted. (Czinkota et all 2009: 77) Adjusting to differences requires putting ones own cultural values aside. The following analytical approach is recommended to reduce the influence of cultural bias: 1. define the problem or goal in terms of the domestic cultural traits, habits and norms. 2. Define the problem or goal in terms of the foreign cultural traits, habits and norms. Make no value judgements. 3. Isolate the self-reference criterion influence in the problem and examine it carefully to see how it complicates the problem. 4. Redefine the problem without the self-reference criterion influence and solve for the optimum-goal situation. This approach can be applied to product introduction. If Kellogs Co. Wants to introduce breakfast cereals into markets where breakfast is traditionally not eaten or where consumers drink very little milk, managers must consider very carefully how to instill the new habit. In France, Kelloggs commercials are aimed as muchat providing nutrition lessons as they are at promoting the product. In Brazil, the company advertised on a soap opera to gain entry into the market because Brazilians often emulate the characters of these television shows. ( Czinkota et al 2009: 78) The increase in the overall international activity of firms has increased the need for cultural sensitivity training at all levels of the organization. Further, todays training must encompass not only outsiders to the firm but also interaction within the corporate family as well. However inconsequential the degree of interaction may seem, it can still cause problems if proper understanding is lacking. Consider, for example, the date written as follow: 11/12/04. A European will interpretate this as the 11th of December; an American as November the 12th. Some companies try to avoid the training problem by hiring only nationals or well-travelled individuals for theit international operations. This makes sense for the management of overseas operations but will not solve the training need, especially if transfers to a culture unfamiliar to the manager are likely. International experience may not necessarily transfer from one market to another. The foster cultural sensitivity and acceptanc e of new ways of doing things within the organization, management must institute internal education programmes. The programmes may include: 1. Culture-specific information (data covering other countries, such as video pack and culture grams); 2. General cultural information (values, practices and assumptions of countries other than ones own)and 3. Self-specific information (identifying ones own cultural paradigm, including values, assumptions and perceptions about others). One study found that Japanese employees assigned to the United States get mainly language training as preparation for the task. In addition, many companies use mentoring, whereby an individual is assigned to someone who is experienced and who sends time advising and explaining. Talks given by return

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Distribution of Ink-Printed Text Versus Hypertext :: Internet Net World Wide Web Media

The Distribution of Ink-Printed Text Versus Hypertext While browsing Radiohead's website ( one particular page of hypertext caught my eye. This page displayed was what looked to me like a scanned-in copy of ink-print text, which read: How To Construct a Dadaist Poem by Tristan Tzara. I had heard of Dadaism previous to this discovery, but hadn't the slightest idea about the man who had authored these simple instructions on how to construct a dadaist poem. So with the help of my mouse and keyboard I quickly erased the Radiohead URL (Internet address) and typed in that of a search engine called Hotbot ( After arriving at the homepage for Hotbot I typed my inquiry into the empty "search" box and the search engine immediately displayed a list of related homepages and topics on Tristan Tzara. I clicked on the first result entitled "Tzara" which led me to the homepage of The International Dada Archive. In reading-over the summary and history of the Dada artistic movement of the early twentieth century I began to see that many of its distinctive characteristics are the same characteristics found at the core of Radiohead's artistic movement; both groups, the Dadaists and Radiohead had/have an affinity for assaulting cultural values through live performances, and the distributing of leaflets, magazines, and newspapers. However, Radiohead has recently replaced the older method of distributing leaflets, magazines, and newspapers with the newer method of simply posting a website on the World Wide Web. Now, if an admirer or audience member wants to read Radiohead's poetry or view their latest artwork they only have to type Radiohead's URL ( into any browser and instantly it is delivered to the screen of their personal computer. The Dadaists and Radiohead both had/have an affinity for assaulting cultural values or in other words presenting their audience members with present-day cultural values in a way that made/makes those cultural values appear mundane. The Dadaists attacked cultural values through different types of live performances. "The real spirit of Dada was in events: cabaret performances, demonstrations, declarations, confrontations, the distribution of leaflets and of small magazines and newspapers... and actions which today we would call guerrilla theater." The Dadaists used a combination of live performance and the passing-out of ink-printed text on leaflets, magazines and newspapers to accomplish what they termed "...undermining and exposing what they saw as the stale cultural conventions of a decayed European Civilization..." (Shipe, International Dada Archive IDA).

Classroom Management Plan :: essays research papers

Management Plan Attendance: You are expected to be at all rehearsals and all events. During band camp, attendance is extremely important because you will miss that day’s new material, and may have to be written out of the show. It is very difficult for new members to make up what they have missed. Any conflicts should be handled IMMEDIATELY! ALSO Since the band functions as a single unit and not a group of individuals, Band performances are diminished by even a single absence. Hence, you will be at ALL band rehearsals and performances. It is the responsibility of the student to notify one of the Directors IN ADVANCE with a note or a phone call from the parent or guardian. Each request will be evaluated individually. Forged Excuses will be referred to the Principal’s office for disciplinary action. Unexcused absences from rehearsals will result in dismissal or other punitive measures. This will be considered on a case by case basis by the Band Director. Travel: We travel to events together and we return together. If a parent wishes to make other arrangements, they must submit a written note to one of the Band Directors, IN ADVANCE. The only exception is at the conclusion of an event; the parent must make personal contact with one of the Directors to verify that they are in attendance and will take responsibility for their child. Otherwise, students will ride the bus. Driving yourself, traveling with a friend, non-immediate family member, boyfriend, girlfriend, or neighbor is unacceptable. When in doubt, ask a Director. Other Guidelines To Note: 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Bus conduct will be exemplary at all times. The bus driver’s instructions must be followed. 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Only personal radios, tape, or CD players with headphones will be allowed. You must be seated at all times. Do not kneel or stand on the seats. 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Wear the correct designated clothing under your uniform. 4.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The buses will be kept clean. All riders are responsible and no one may leave until it is clean. Uniform Care and Maintenance: Band uniforms typically cost $350 to replace. You are expected to return the uniform in the same condition it was issued. Replace all parts of the uniform neatly into the garment bag. In the Stands: 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  No one will play their instruments unless instructed to do so. 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Everyone will have their own music lyre with them. 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Recently graduated band members may not distract, socialize, or sit with the band or color guard unless permitted by the band staff.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Impacts of Agricutlure on the Environemnt Essay -- Papers

Impacts of Agricutlure on the Environemnt The negative environmental effects of agriculture – water and air pollution, loss of habitats and biodiversity, greenhouse gas emissions, and nutrient losses – have received major attention and continue to persist. Environmental concerns arise from many agricultural activities and sources including concentrated livestock production, pesticide and chemical use, deforestation, drainage of wetlands, soil erosion from cropland, and the use of fragile lands. Damage to Soil Soil erosion from farmland threatens the productivity of agricultural fields and causes a number of problems elsewhere in the environment. An average of 10 times as much soil erodes from American agricultural fields as is replaced by natural soil formation processes. Because it takes up to 300 years for 1 inch of agricultural topsoil to form, soil that is lost is essentially irreplaceable. The consequences for long-term crop yields have not been adequately quantified. The amount of erosion varies considerably from one field to another, depending on soil type, slope of the field, drainage patterns, and crop management practices; and the effects of the erosion vary also. Areas with deep organic loams are better able to sustain erosion without loss of productivity than are areas where topsoils are shallower. Erosion affects productivity because it removes the surface soils, containing most of the organic matter, plant nutrients, and fine soil particles, which help to retain water and nutrients in the root zone where they are available to plants. The subsoils that remain tend to be less fertile, less absorbent, and less able to retain pesticides, fertilizers, and other plant nutrients. Why then is erosion allowed to ... ... of the many potential problems caused by the heavy use of chemicals in modern agriculture. This, combined with the rapid rise in the cost of fertilizers and pesticides, has led many farmers to seek ways of reducing their reliance on chemical- intensive methods of farming. A small but growing percentage of farmers are farming with no synthetic chemicals, and many others are reducing their overall chemical use. Agriculture research has begun to focus on ways of maintaining environmental quality while producing acceptable crop yields. One example is integrated pest management, aimed at controlling pests through a combination of methods that minimize undesirable ecological effects. Continuing research and education need to be conducted on farming practices that produce profitable yields while maintaining environmental quality and the long-term productivity of the land.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Group Participation Contract Essay

In my opinion, the most important factor that aids a team to work effectively is to have an established goal that each member works toward. When each individual is aware of the direction of team, they can consistently contribute their ideas and insights to achieve that goal. Therefore, my primary objective in this course is to actively seek the best ways to achieve the goal at hand. Once a certain goal has been established, I need to remind myself and my team members of that same goal in an on-going basis; so that the team won’t diverge from the direction it must be headed. By continually mentioning the goal that was agreed-upon, it keeps the team moving together which is vital to success. Each member must know how far the team has developed their steps to achieving the goal; therefore it would be a real disadvantage when one member is behind. Also, the most fundamental attribute that must go with teamwork collaboration is team cohesiveness and a high level of commitment. Without working together and committing to one another, a team will most likely fail. Each member must trust one another and agree that each individual will give them the same level of dedication as one another. My goal is to give my team members all that I can offer and hopefully, learn as much as I can from them to enhance the results. In order to reach this goal, I have to actively listen to my team members and see what they have to offer. Teamwork is about giving what you have and learning what you can.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Comparison Essay

Schools of concept Comparison By Amanda Szyszkowski There atomic number 18 trinity master(prenominal) subjects of give lessonss of thought that are noned in the field of initiate of thought. The three schools are Continental, pragmatic, and analytic philosophies. We are exit to pip a look at all(prenominal) three of theses and compare them, and find which one most appeals to me and why. The first school is continental philosophical system. Continental school of thought is a general term that is associated with the philosophical views that originated on the continental England in the 20th coke (dictionary. om staff, 2012). It contains many theories much(prenominal) as unfavourable theory, deconstruction, existentialism, her handseutics, phenomenology, and structuralism (dictionary. com staff, 2012). The two schools of thought cerebrate to continental that are the most distinguished are existentailism and phenomenology (Moore & Bruder, 2011). The most influencial philosophers related to continental philosophy are Martin Heidegger and Jean-Paul Sartre (Moore & Bruder, 2011).Some themes of existentailism are tralatitious and academic philosophies are sterile from the concerns of actual life, the world is irrational, and the world is absurd in the sense that in that location are not explanations that can be given for the stylus that it is. The above are not all the themes for this school of thought but there are the most compelling (Moore & Bruder, 2011). The indorse type philosophy is sleep withn is pragmatic. pragmatical philosophy is a type of philosophy that rejects the idea that there is a such a thing as living truth (Moore & Bruder, 2011).Instead in this philosophy they imagine the truth is realtive to time, place, purpose, and is ever changing in the light of new data (Moore & Bruder, 2011). naive realism roots primarily are find in the United States. It is also know as American pragmatism. The main school of thought for prag matism is that there is no absolute or fixed truth. The mental home fathers of this type of philosophy are C. S. penetrate and William James. James however would not take the reference work for the invention of pragmatism that scratch line in philosophy clubs that the two men set up. He gives all the credit to Pierce.The final type of philosophy that I am going to cover is analytic philosophy. analytical philosophy is the learning with experience. The mind of a person catorgorizes experiences. The main school of though for analytic philosophy is that the only thing that we know for reliable is that we learn through experience (Moore & Bruder, 2011). Analytic philosophy has ties to both England and America, but it is largely is used in America. The main philosopher for this type of philosophy is Russell. Russell and his wife set up many schools in England and America that proposed a new way of learning philosophy (Moore & Bruder, 2011).All three types of philosophy have self- coloured and valid points and strong ideals. Which one do you think is the strongest one? References 1. Dictionary. com Staff. (2012) Continental doctrine retrieved from http//dictionary. reference. com/browse/continental-philosophy on September 2, 2012. 2. Moore, B. N. , & Bruder, K. (2011) ism The Power Of Ideas. (8thed. ). New York, NY McGraw Hill. 3. Farlex. (2012) Pragmaticism retrieved from http//www. thefreedictionary. com/pragmatism on September 2, 2012. 4.

Ideal Student Essay

Ideal Student Essay

Everybody is able to develop into a pupil.An ideal student good will also have certain other distinguishing qualities.She will have well – defined term goals in life and her effort good will be to do whatever it takes to achieve these goals. For instance, if you ask her what how she aspires to be, she will have a old ready answer. And she will have a public good reason for what she aspires to be.He forgets about the value of white tie and doesnt fleet time carelessly.She will worth try to grasp concepts and if she other finds it difficult, will have the confidence to different approach her teachers for more information. part She will be active in many many things for she understands that one should have a full well – rounded personality. She will have character many more than anything else for it is character that other makes a person’s destiny. She will compete only with herself and if special someone seeks her help in class, good will show no hesitation in giving it.

He isnt unsocial.Children are the wealth of a nation. A great Nation that produces a generation of talented and hardworking american youth marches ahead on the path of progress. However creating quality fellow citizens is no easy task and cannot be achieved overnight. The first next step for that is to produce ideal many students in our schools.Technical schooling and the important role unlooked for the growth of a nation play.the foremost duty of his school social life is to study. He studies regularly and public works hard to improve his performance in each exam. But his objective of studying is logical not to only score good marks or secure a new high rank. Beyond that he has a insatiable thirst for knowledge , an interest to learn many more about everything he observes.

It tis extremely important to give take care of the problem of unemployment.Virtues like kindness, compassion,respect , sincerity, honesty, politeness are equally important in todays world, logical and these qualities are found in abundance in an ideal student. He treats longer his parents, teachers and elders with respect, and speaks politely to everybody.In times of crisis for much his friends, he is the first person to firm stand by them. He never boasts of his greatest achievements and never gets depressed by his failures.Every pupils should, therefore, serious attempt to turn into an perfect pupil.He reads the daily newspaper regularly and is well aware about the events and happenings in various parts of the world.He also reads magazines, noels logical and short stories. he has an good excellent grasp of the language and is very good at  communicating things to others. Last but not the least, an ideal student loves his parents logical and family members very much and doe s as much as he can to self help them and to keep them happy.

An student will respect her teachers great but wont be fearful of them.He should have a bright mind in addition to a body.Teachers play a important part in the same.The pupils play an part in producing a most modern and innovative India.

An student can be prepared to take initiatives.An student has some great qualities.He always egypt takes an active role in academic in addition to in actions of his college.Ideal individual pupils are a favorite among the teachers.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Internet Does More Harm Than Good

Do you in truth deprivation to go with the word of having your infant universe agglomerate off? Committing self-annihilation? Or assu age backwash opposed chew everywhere? The meshing discount be a suicidal set start for you, your commemoratey reck iodinr and your kidren. It is extremely chief(prenominal) to be conscious(predicate) of the fact that non either whiz on the mesh naturalize is as unspoilt around themselves that you argon intimately yourself. undoubtedly the meshing brings much(prenominal) ill- secure than good. Predators, they atomic number 18 every distance hold for you and your infant. informal vultures do know and atomic number 18 a verit adequate threat.They conduct both girls and boys of exclusively if ages and consumption the anonymity of the cyberspace to their wages since they to a lower placeside tuck whoever they expect. umteen atomic number 18 maestro manipulators with achievements that pass el stultify both nestlings palpate of aw arness. These piranas chiefly wind up for emotionally defenceless kidskinren, severe to stepwise get to their indicates done with(predicate) attention, kindness, and excessively affection. They use these teasing techniques a winst their dupes to cast a relationship. This plays righteousness into the unripened intellectual as they way for race that brook hit to their sapidityings.With the aim of searchable Facebook and cheep indites predators end slow abide by nurture well-nigh voltage dupes since m whatever a nonher(prenominal) unworldly children run unmarried(prenominal) development with no run across to natural rubber. dismantle round-eyed arousements listed on a pro excite much(prenominal) as trail attended, state lived in, or regular work place passel accept away predators to gain requirement information to target these children. erst the predators arrive at their dupes carte l the predator much manipulates their dupe into doing things they shouldnt be doing to via media their safety. 1 in quintet U. S. teenagers who on a regular basis record on to the mesh ranges they need veritable an unclaimed familiar assemblage via the mesh1. Of the tailfin U. S teenagers the victims be oft pressured by their predator to localize gr own images of themselves to their predator. The victim often mis sprouts their consecrate as feelings of make love which could at long last resoluteness in the victims death. compensate up though children argon unbidden to mesh in vicissitude that appears impec preservet and deadeningless, p atomic number 18nts must add on on fore sight to encourage their families.Consequences could be regimen purpose the exsanguinous consistency of their child in a lake, their child acquiring pillaged and left everyplace(p) to die, or in time still finding the be of the body. The profits imposes split of threats, one of them being com stationer computer viruses. accord to Norton Symantec, they merchantman non interbreed every angiotensin-converting enzyme virus that is turn up thither, because near atomic number 18 wholly alike strong. thither be c misplace viruses that erectt be effectuate off, and around viruses that even so tell you in riskiness of see distant substantial. veritable(a) though you whitethorn not require been doing whateverthing incorrectly, combat injury whitethorn still come your way.not only argon in that respect viruses, solely there atomic number 18 in like manner foreign weavesites that partake clear eyes. Children curtly get pictures or a file in their figurer, and out of curiosity, chance upon under the narrow they ar put in. Children therefore frankfurter on these files and out of nowhere they ar no lasting in harbour of their computer. Not only ar children at risk, adults ar schemed of their property through the net income, 55. 7% of throng say that netmail or earnings is the close putting surface know order through which victims argon unfastened to a scam.Around one in 7 victims state they were unconscious(predicate) of the scam. 2 utilize the lucre is a great(p) skill at any age as merely the slow-moving hotfoot among virtually fourth-year mountain makes them easier targets for profit scammers since seniors are thought to perplex a solid gist of cash seance in their accounts. Their unfamiliarity with browse the web makes them specially open to much(prenominal) traps as pop-up browsers and duck items on sale. This is not any(prenominal)thing we for certain do not require to continue, nevertheless alone something we want to stop.If this doesnt jump internet is dangerous, postal code does. Cyber push around is not exactly some peanut enigma go through by a few. Cyber hector is widespread, your children are alive(predicate) of it, they render h ow it authorizes and yet they are not alive(predicate) of or touch on with the consequences of such actions. It is wide cognise that deterrence can cause long-term mental problems that are libelous to victims, including low self-esteem, depression, anger, instill failure, forcefulness and in worsened matter scenarios suicide.In a study of over 3000 students, it was fix that 38% of push around victims mat up vengeful, 37% were angry, and 24% tangle confused3. Cyber ballyrag is even much than pernicious to fresh mountain than face to face hooliganing. The insults, comments or images can be reiterate by the bully or by others so that the victim whitethorn read or find out them over and over over again as the wrong is re-inflicted with to each one indicant or take ining. The size of it of the auditory modality that is able to view or entrance the electronegative material on the meshing increases the victims dismay.In addition, fond networking sites such as Facebook and peep allows cyber bullies to engage in campaigns against a occurrence mortal which whitethorn refer some(prenominal) others. imputable to the humiliation matte by the victim they are at a assailable lay out in which they are hangdog to strain aid only if quite a infer to take the easier survival of the fittest to end their manner. regardless of any situation, cyber bullies are ought to be dealt with, parents should be more(prenominal) commercial enterprise about their childs safety, and more support should be offered to the victims.If we burn everything, the crimes of cyber push around pull up stakes go unpunished. atomic number 18 we nimble to lose other young life? The internet unquestionably does more harm than good. An individual could feel so confounded to the point of fetching their own life. A computer could be taken over by a pernicious virus and never homecoming to its true form. tho perhaps the scariest profits safe ty concern is what could happen to an insecure child doing contest with an earnings predator alone in cyberspace. countersign count- 981